As second step open menu.h with a text editor and change the voice
#define MENUSIZE 26 //26 ELEMENTS
to your needs.
Now all you have to do is to write your *.ino program.
A demo is included at the zip file (CircularMenuAdvancedNew.ino)
//Made By (for #include "Menu.h" Menu MyMenu; //The DOWN button const byte BtnDownPin = 7; byte BtnDownState = 0; byte BtnDownLastState = 0; //The RIGHT button const byte BtnRightPin = 6; byte BtnRightState = 0; byte BtnRightLastState = 0; //The ENTER button const byte BtnEnterPin = 5; byte BtnEnterState = 0; byte BtnEnterLastState = 0; void ClearScreen(){ int i; for (i = 0; i < 15; i = i + 1) { Serial.println(); } } void ShowHints() { //Right hint if ( (*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetTitle() != (*((*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetNextRight())).GetTitle() ) { Serial.print(" > "); Serial.println( (*((*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetNextRight())).GetTitle() ); } //Down hint if ( (*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetTitle() != (*((*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetNextDown())).GetTitle() ) { Serial.print(" V "); Serial.println( (*((*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetNextDown())).GetTitle() ); } } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Menu definition (Title,Father,Down,Next) (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(0))).Set("Menu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(0), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(0)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1))).Set("Menu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(2)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(2))).Set("Menu 2>Smenu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(3),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(2)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(3))).Set("Menu 2>Smenu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(4),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(3)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(4))).Set("Menu 2>Smenu 3", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(5),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(4)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(5))).Set("Menu 2>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(2),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(5)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6))).Set("Menu 3", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(7)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(7))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(7)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(12),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(9)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(9))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 2>SSmenu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(10),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(9)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(10))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 2>SSmenu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(11),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(10)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(11))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 2>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(9),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(11)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(12))).Set("Menu 3>Smenu 3", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(13),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(12)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(13))).Set("Menu 3>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(7),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(13)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14))).Set("Menu 4", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(0),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(21),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1>SSmenu 1", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(20),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(17)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(17))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1>SSmenu 1>SSSmenu 1" , MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(18),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(17)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(18))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1>SSmenu 1>SSSmenu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(19),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(18)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(19))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1>SSmenu 1>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(17),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(19)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(20))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 1>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(20)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(21))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 2", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(22),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(21)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(22))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 3", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(23),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(22)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(23))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 4", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(24),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(23)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(24))).Set("Menu 4>Smenu 5", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(25),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(24)); (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(25))).Set("Menu 4>up one dir", MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14), MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15),MyMenu.GetMenuCell(25)); pinMode(BtnDownPin, INPUT); pinMode(BtnRightPin, INPUT); pinMode(BtnEnterPin, INPUT); ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).GetTitle() ); (*(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell())).SetIsSelected(true); ShowHints(); } void loop() // The main loop (runs over and over again) { BtnDownState = digitalRead(BtnDownPin); BtnRightState = digitalRead(BtnRightPin); BtnEnterState = digitalRead(BtnEnterPin); //The DOWN button if (BtnDownState != BtnDownLastState) { if (BtnDownState == HIGH) { ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetNextDownMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } } BtnDownLastState = BtnDownState; //The RIGHT button if (BtnRightState != BtnRightLastState) { if (BtnRightState == HIGH) { ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetNextRightMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } } BtnRightLastState = BtnRightState; //The ENTER button if (BtnEnterState != BtnEnterLastState) { if (BtnEnterState == HIGH) { if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(0))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(1))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(2))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 2 Submenu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(3))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 2 Submenu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(4))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 2 Submenu 3 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(5))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(6))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(7))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 submenu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(8))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 submenu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(9))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 sub sub menu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(10))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 sub sub menu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(11))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(12))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 3 submenu 3 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(13))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(14))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(15))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 submenu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(16))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 SUB SUB menu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(17))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 SUB SUB SUB menu 1 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(18))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 SUB SUB SUB menu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(19))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(20))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(21))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 submenu 2 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(22))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 submenu 3 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(23))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 submenu 4 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(24))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { ClearScreen(); Serial.println("This is the Menu 4 submenu 5 info page"); } else if ( (*(MyMenu.GetMenuCell(25))).GetIsSelected()==true ) { //UP ONE DIR ClearScreen(); Serial.print(">"); Serial.println( (*(MyMenu.GetFatherMenuCell(MyMenu.GetSelectedMenuCell()))).GetTitle() ); ShowHints(); } } } BtnEnterLastState = BtnEnterState; }
We have made a new demonstrative video below.
Please select 720p resolution from the video options and watch in in full screen mode in order to see the menu.
Notice that the old circular menu class works fine with the 0.22 version of Arduino.
The new class version works with the old versions of Arduino Gui too.