Generally you need heat in order to accomplish the toner transfer method.
The toner transfer method will be explained in later tutorial.
The most difficult part at the toner transfer method is exactly this ! The toner transfer from the printed paper to the copper clad.
The classic method is to use a hot iron and iron your copper clad with the printed circuit over it.
Trust me, this method is hopeless. Even if you get a decent result you can not repeat it again and again.
You will only have a small percentage of success.
The paper , sure, is a key to this problem but does not solve all the mystery about this method.
The main problem is that you need to heat up the toner while you keep pressing over the paper.
So you have to do two things in the same time with the hot iron.
Instead doing that it is more convenient to buy a regular laminator at your local store and modify it a little bit.
If you do not have any laminator then you should try to buy one "pcb ready".
Some of them are
All of them seems to function right out of the box.
So if you are a not experienced user it is better buy over internet one of them.
I personally couldn't find any of them beside the LP 120 which it was small for my needs.
Warning if you are not an experienced user try to buy one of these three options.
Do not proceed reading.
Over the internet i found some really good tutorials of hacking specific laminators .
So if you can find one of them and you feel comfortable with the hacking procedure consider buy one of these options.
Really here in Greece i couldn't find any of them at an affordable cost so i thought simply...
Why don't buy a really cheap one with more mechanical stuff and less electronic stuff so that can be more easy modifying it.
Reading all these "hack" laminator pages i found out that three steps needed :
- Open it
- Change the higher temp thermostat with a new one at a 170 OC (toner transfer critical temperature)
- Change the thermal fuse with a 240 OC or remove it by crimping the cable since it is used only for security reasons (fire).